Roofing Services

Experience In Every Aspect of Your Insurance Claim

  • 14+ years of experience in construction

  • Insurance adjuster for Pilot Catastrophe Team

  • Capable of handling your insurance claim from start to finish

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Over the past couple of years, insurance companies have steadily increased the criteria to qualify for a roof replacement due to storm damage.

Join our Roof Maintenance Plan for assurance that your home is protected against storms.

Preventative maintenance is the key to getting the most out of your roof system.

Debris build up, rotted pipe boots, and exposed nails are some leading causes of roof leaks. None of which would be a covered loss according to your insurance policy. These things are considered “improper maintenance” or “neglected maintenance”. Join our roof maintenance program to ensure you are protected.

Once you are enrolled in the program, you will be put on a priority list for leak inspections after a storm if you do experience a leak or if you need an emergency cover up/tarp.

The Roof Maintenance Plan